Philips universal remote sru300427 codes
Philips universal remote sru300427 codes

philips universal remote sru300427 codes

How to program a specific remote control: Including Satellite, Cable, TV, and Universal remotes – COX remote, ONE FOR ALL remote, DIRECTV remote, CHUNGHOP remote, JUMBO remote, GT MATRIX remote, Zenith remote, Vizio remote, RCA remote, Comcast remote, DISH remote, Samsung remote, Mitsubishi remote, SONY remote, Philips remote, On-Q Home Systems remote, GE remote, and the UR5U-8780 remote. Once you find the step-by-step instructions to program the remote to work with your remote, use the remote codes included on this page. You can also check the remote programming instructions included in the packaging of your remote or find a YouTube video for your specific model number remote. To program a Universal or TV remote control: See the links below and find the brand and model of your remote control. Find details for how to program your remote to work with your device below… When using the remote codes below, you will have to program the remote to use with your device.

Philips universal remote sru300427 codes